
 In the early 1980s Michael Harner introduced modern methods of shamanic journeying, based on his prior experience with the Brazilian Jivaro Indians. With the aid of a steady drumbeat and guided visualization, seekers are taught to travel to the spirit world to discover their "power animal" guardians. It must be noted that Harner has been criticized by academics for offering pop shamanism to the masses. Even so, his method has enjoyed a great deal of success, offering those who can afford a tape or a workshop the opportunity to seek a guardian spirit without hallucinogenic substances.

 Spirit guides have always been a part of Native American spirituality. The Tenino Indians, for instance, sent their children into the wilderness at night to find their helper guardian spirits. Among the Oglala Sioux, lifelong personal spirit guides are sought through strenuous vision quests requiring lengthy periods of fasting and movement deprivation designed to put them in touch with the spirit world. Nature spirits, animal spirits, and revered ancestors, all endowed with powerful qualities, are called upon for assistance in daily life as well as in the sacred sweat lodge. The medicine people, or shamans, are thought to be especially powerful, as they attract many spirit guides that help them fulfill their charge of healing in their communities.

 Modern-day pagan groups, such as druids and witches, also use shamanic techniques to reach ecstasy and inner wisdom and to become closer to goddesses or gods. And though some may talk to elves in the forest or comment on grandmother spirit while walking by a stream, they do not generally speak of spirit guides. A great many people are currently captivated with a particular spirit guide, the guardian angel. This spirit frequently appears in jewelry, figurines, cards, books, and the popular television show Touched by an Angel. Unlike nature spirits, fairies, or dead ancestors, guardian angels do not seem to pose a problem for those who adhere to certain mainstream religions, such as Christianity. Clearly, angel fascination does not imply a wholesale acceptance of spirit guides. However, as more people become involved in Native American and other nature spiritualities, there may be a corresponding attraction to spirit guides. Regardless, judging by the plethora of Internet web sites and the volumes of trade books on this subject, interest in spirit guides may be expected to increase in the third millennium.

 Are you feeling alone, facing difficult times, and in need of guidance? Discover how to contact your spirit guide through meditation.

 Anytime you wish, you have the option to contact your spirit guide—a powerful energy that is dedicated to watching over you, supporting you, and being an ever-present force of loving-kindness in your life.

 While many who have crossed over from this physical existence may care for and watch over us, a spirit guide is one with whom we share a particularly close connection. It’s not even necessarily someone you knew in life. So how do you meet your spirit guide?

 This spirit guide meditation is designed to help you connect with your personal spirit guide. As you work with your guide, you will become more and more attuned to their energy, and they will walk ever more closely beside you on your life path.

 Before you begin, I suggest having a notepad or journal next to you, and a pen for writing down your experience at the end of your meditation. Set aside 10–15 minutes to prepare for the meditation.

 Go to your quiet space. It is important that you find a place where you will not be distracted by your phone, your family members, or any outside disturbances. It is important that in this space you feel comfortable, safe, and calm. Your inner world needs to be calm and still, not just your outer world.

 Shift your focus away from your thoughts and inner dialogue. In this place of quiet, it is important to begin settling your thoughts. This means stopping not only your to-do lists and worries, but also the ideas and sparks of inspiration that may come forward in the quiet of your mind. To get to a place absent of thought, I suggest you watch the light show behind your eyelids. Become a spectator.

 Turn your attention to your breath. When thoughts begin to pop up—and they will—it is helpful to focus on your breath. Your breathing should be steady. In through your nose, take a deep and generous inhale. Out through your nose, send a deep and relaxing exhale. Imagine the in-breath nourishing all the cells of your body and imagine your body becoming relaxed and worry-free with the out-breath.

 Imagine golden energy beams in and around you; really feel their warmth. Imagine golden beams of light coming from above, through the crown of your head and filling you up with new, healing energy. Feel the warmth and the healing surge through you. Welcome the light and this revitalizing love energy.

 Begin positive thought (i.e., focus on all you are grateful for). Talk to yourself about all you are grateful for, all that you love about yourself and your life. In this place of self-love and gratitude you open yourself to communication with the energy that lives in love and gratitude. Your spirit guide resides in this energy.

 Now you are ready to enter your sacred garden—the safe place within you for healing—and contact your spirit guide.

 Imagine that you are walking into a beautiful, magical garden. In this place you are safe, you are infinitely loved, and you are accepted as you are. This is a place where you can be healed, where you can gain calm, and where you can get answers to your questions.

 Your sacred garden may feel familiar. You may feel like you have been there before, or you may feel like it is somehow familiar to you. Take some time to look around and notice what is there. Take a walk and look around; try to notice as much as possible.

 Now it is time to ask your spirit guide to come forward. Ask with the feeling of expectancy and love. Like you are excited to meet your best friend for the first time.

 Who is your guide? Make sure to notice details about them. Know that there is no right or wrong direction.

 Now it is time to get to know your spirit guide. You can ask questions or you can simply observe. What do you notice about your interaction with your spirit guide? How do you feel?

Spirit Conjuring

 Thank your spirit guide for joining you in this sacred place within. It is comforting to know that there is a sacred place you can go in meditation to feel safe and accepted. Visit this place as often as you like.

 When you are ready to open your eyes, before you do anything else, pick up your notepad and your pen and begin to journal about your experiences.

 Details about your sacred garden: What does your sacred garden look like? Describe it in as much detail as you wish. Are there trees? Is there water? Do you see animals? It may not even be a garden at all; perhaps it is a beach, a quiet forest, or any other favorite place of peace and comfort. What does it smell like? Do you smell flowers, trees? The salty ocean breeze? Do you smell food, spices lingering in the air?

 Details about your spirit guide: What do they look like? Does your spirit guide have a name? What kind of energy does your spirit guide carry? What does it feel like to be in their presence?

 Your sacred garden Q & A: Did you ask questions in your garden? If so, did you get answers? Did your spirit guide answer or did you feel the answer? List the questions you asked. List your answers.

 As time goes on, you may find that you can use this place as your own spiritual workshop within, getting answers to questions, finding solutions, resolving issues, and creatively working with your reality.

 We all have spirit guides. They are part of your soul-family — a spiritual GPS — and tuning into them takes patience, trust, and assistance from the Other Side. Learn to access yours in this deep dive, kind-hearted immersion that welcomes all levels of experience and any stage of healing. This unique class dives deeply into the unseen world of support, healing, and unconditional love by Spirit Guides. Most people are unaware of the guides they are born into this world with, let alone how to connect with them. Yet many of us have experienced a loving presence in critical moments of our lives, or even in the most serene, calm spaces within. What would be possible for your life if you could access that level of support and guidance in a more dependable way?

 We all have spirit guides. They are part of your soul-family — a spiritual GPS — and tuning into them takes patience, trust, and assistance from the Other Side. Learn to access yours in this deep dive, kind-hearted immersion that welcomes all levels of experience and any stage of healing. This unique class dives deeply into the unseen world of support, healing, and unconditional love by Spirit Guides. Most people are unaware of the guides they are born into this world with, let alone how to connect with them. Yet many of us have experienced a loving presence in critical moments of our lives, or even in the most serene, calm spaces within. What would be possible for your life if you could access that level of support and guidance in a more dependable way?

 This special and deeply personal class is designed for those of you who are ready to connect with the Spirits that are always by your side.

 Get ready to recognize that you have so much support waiting to assist, support, play, guide, and dance with you as you walk this world. Connecting with your Spirit Guides is a profoundly expansive experience. Once this connection is made, it is forever — giving you the confidence, support, love, guidance, and great joy you deserve and know to be true as you walk onward in your journey of life.

 This class is for the experienced spiritual seeker, who is energetically sensitive, open, and curious to experience support beyond the veil.

 Months and years after taking this course, graduates continue to share how this experience changed their understanding of everyday reality in invaluable ways.

 This course introduces a framework to engage with your guides steadily and reliably and will introduce and connect you with your unique, individual, and personal Spirit Guides. Each session is highly interactive and includes instruction and meditation practice to ensure that your experience is expansive and supportive. With great information and valuable support, you can better focus your energy to live an empowered and compassionate life you love, and the support and love available to you from the unseen world means you are never alone or disconnected.

 It is pretty common these days to hear the term ‘Spirit Guides’, yet, there can be some confusion as to what they actually are. So, I aim to dispel many misconceptions and clarify the terminology surrounding Guides.

 Firstly, everybody has Spirit Guides – even if you think you don’t, you do! For those who have worked with their guides, the below will hopefully help deepen your connection and offer you a clearer framework. If you’ve never worked with your spirit guides before, by the end of the post, hopefully, you’ll have a good place to start & a piqued curiosity.

 As the name ‘spirit’ suggests, these are beings that do not occupy the physical realm. If we accept that everything in the Universe is made up of energy, we vibrate slowly enough to exist on the physical plane. In contrast, spirit oscillates at a much faster, lighter rate, occupying a different level of existence. Most guides were once human, i.e. they once occupied this earth at some point in history, but are now deceased and live in the spirit realm. These spirits have agreed to work with you, and you alone, to help you on your Soul’s path.

 Firstly, everybody has at least three, not one, Personal Guides (in Eastern traditions, it is a minimum of four). This is regardless of whether you decide to communicate with them or not; they are still there, gently offering guidance. Occasionally, you may have more guides for specific periods in your life. Also, these guides can come and go throughout your lifetime, or they may remain with you from birth until death.


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